IC Pro: How do you want to be known in 2021?

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When employees describe internal communications in workplace surveys, there are two words we would rather not hear – somewhat relevant.

Dread strikes when they’re uttered out loud. 

Why? Because making sure the content we create and the conversations we spark are relevant and meaningful to our employee audiences is a core part of our IC mission. 

In a year that has been marked by the challenge of a global health pandemic and more, we want to make sure we are helping create success and meaning for our employee audiences. Like the employee audiences we serve, we want our contributions to matter. We’d rather hear employees describe our work as absolutely transformative.

Each time we learn about our internal audiences, however small or large the information is, we’re taking a step toward being absolutely transformative. So, when crisis strikes pull your audiences closer.

Want to know a secret? You have two strengths that can help you eliminate the somewhat relevant.

·      Your ability to learn quickly.

·      Your built-over-time knowledge of the audiences you serve. 

You can combine these strengths into a superpower that can strengthen your path forward.

I’ve created a free guide to help level up your understanding of internal audiences – so that you can pull them closer.

Click here to get it. 

The workplace and workforce need your gifts.

The two words I hope we will hear in 2021 about our collective IC impact are absolutely transformative.

Let’s level up!

I’d love to hear your ideas on how to maximize your IC superpowers.

In the meantime, respond below with the two words you want to be known for in 2021.